Thursday, May 17, 2012

Time is flying...

Wow… It really is already May!! I think I’m in denial of the fact we’re already in the 5th month of our year… CRAZY!!!!  So… to catch you up on my life… Here’s what’s happened since I last wrote…
Max’s mom came for 2 weeks in March… She was here for the women’s conference and we got to attend together.  The conference was actually life changing! God was so present and so at work and really shifted and shed some light on things for me personally and it was the first time in a LONG time, I felt the personal connect with God in such a corporate setting.  It was so incredible, and to be able and share some of that with Max’s mom and see some similar freedom come to her, was such a blessing.  Only God could have orchestrated her time here and what He did himself in the time that she was.
April came and went, my mom turned 50!!!! WAAAOOOOO!!!! My dad successfully pulled off the best surprise party for her, because he’s that incredible! My parents had their 29th wedding anniversary.  My baby sister, Linda, attended her junior prom (and was the classiest most stunning 17 year old ever).  I signed to part time at work and am working 4 full days a week. Such a blessing and will actually help me in 2 months when I have to find a new job (visa requirements of Australia).  So that’s been really good. I found out that my little sister, Ashley, will be spending her entire summer in Uganda changing lives and curriculums in schools to incorporate the Gospel. HOW COOL IS THAT?!?! God has just really been pouring his goodness and provision over my family and it’s the coolest thing to see.  To know all of their hearts rest in the security of His hands, and that He’s using them to further His name, it’s one of the greatest honors I have, to call them sisters and parents.  I still can’t get over it sometimes!! He’s so great!! Stephanie, my older sister, is heading two Malawi (Africa) for the 3rd time on a medical mission trip, this year will be her first as a RN.  It’s just been so incredible to watch God move and work through their lives, it’s an encouragement to my life and what God’s using me in.  LOVE IT!!!! 
Moving into May, I’m transitioning into some new roles with at church in the areas I serve.  God’s just been doing so much and releasing me and opening doors in some areas and I’m just in awe.  I hold every responsibility with awe and appreciation to God for the opportunity.  I’m in the process of becoming the Saturday 5pm Kids service pastor.  It’s actually been overwhelming in the best way.  I feel so inadequate because I understand and appreciate the title and weight of the role in a way I wouldn’t have 2 years ago when I first got here. 
Just blown away and blessed is what I feel these days.  I feel completely inadequate in every title I carry, but I know God’s empowered me with His Spirit to carry them.  God’s been doing so much and revealing so much to me, it’s been a completely different experience from my first year here. 
Max and I hardly get to see each other, in a week with 7 days… we see each other maybe 3 out of those 7, and 2 of them are just quick “hey, just wanted to see your face for a second” visits. Haha! It’s been challenging but God’s totally blessed the times that we do have together.  It’s been such a year of God’s goodness and favor being poured out on us as a couple and us as individuals, we’re so blessed.

So, yeah… that’s what’s been going on!! I’ll try and do a better job at posting more regularly and not have to do a month recap again.  But for now… that’s what I’ve got.  I hope and pray that all of you are experiencing His goodness and love in new and fresh ways this year as well, and if that’s now how it’s been, I pray that the second half of yours you’ll see fruit from the sowing through the hard ships.  Because our God is SO good, and I might not have given details through some of the hard years it seems I’ve gone through, and do I think I did them well? NO, but I’m so glad God’s goodness doesn’t rest on my faithfulness.  But that He’s just as good and faithful regardless of me, because He’s God, and despite how messed up I am, He desires intimacy with me, and to use me to make Him more famous across the world in which we live.  All glory and honor is His… I love it!!! No name more worthy or deserving than the name that IS above every other name, Jesus.  If you guys have any questions about anything, life whatever, or have encouragements for me… write back, let me know! :) I’m happy for the one-on-ones.
