Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Such a time as this...

Hello!!!! :)

I hope everyone enjoyed they’re Easter and that God moved in similar ways to how he did here.

It was a powerful morning and weekend! We had over 300 people at our city campus alone come to know Christ! It was incredible! :) The month building up to Easter morning, the way we were inviting people to church was with a little “invitation” card that had the image “cross = heart” on one side, and on the other it said “This is love, find out why” with a web link that would take you to a page where Australia’s head pastor, Joel Abel invited the people to join us for our Easter services. Our job as the church, was to give them out with a random act of kindness. It was so much fun! A lot of people bought the coffee for the people behind them in line and gave them a card, I actually made some earrings and punched them through the cards and handed them out to women throughout the city. It was such a fun thing to do, and was so cool to actually be a part of making church happen, aside from behinds the scene stuff!

It was an incredible Easter morning that followed into our evening service.

Just so everyone is aware, Beau (whom I asked everyone to pray for in my last update) was made whole in the presence of our Savior the day after my last post, April 8th. So in saying that, we rejoice that he’s now healed and alive and well, but we don’t forget that his wife and family are still here learning how to do life without him. SO continue to lift the Slocumb’s up in prayer, as well as all of Beau’s friends and other family. I actually avoided church the entire weekend apart from serving in Kids before I heard the news. The first service I attended was my Tuesday morning chapel service. I had been having it out with God the whole weekend and into the week. Was finding it really hard to focus on worship when I had so many questions running through my mind and was just talking to God about it. Decided He’s still worthy and worshiped out of knowing I needed to, and even though I didn’t understand He was still good. During the second song, I totally felt God start talking to me. We were singing one of the new songs coming out on the new Hillsong Live album, and the lyrics just hit me. “There’s nothing in this world that could take you away.” The words just resonated with me, and I felt God saying you guys have it all wrong in seeing it as the end of something when really it’s the beginning. Not even death can separate my children from me. We see death as the end, because all we can see is physical, however, not even death can separate us from Him, as His people, death is our hope, and it's the beginning!! Beau is now living in God’s promise! He is alive and well!! Which God just concreted even more in the last song we sang. All I’m going to say is that I stood there weeping because all I could feel was Beau singing that song not as a hope anymore, but as His reality.

On that day when I see

All that You have for me

When I see You face to face

There surrounded by Your grace

All my fears swept away

In the light of Your embrace

Where Your love is all I need

And forever I am free

Where the streets are made of gold

In Your presence healed and whole

Let the songs of heaven

Rise to You alone

No weeping no hurt or pain

No suffering You hold me now

You hold me now

No darkness no sick or lame

No hiding You hold me now

You hold me now

In this life I will stand

Through my joy and my pain

Knowing there's a greater day

There's a hope that never fails

Where Your Name is lifted high

And forever praises rise

For the glory of Your Name

I'm believing for the day

Where the wars and violence cease

All creation lives in peace

Let the songs of heaven

Rise to You alone

For eternity

All my heart will give

All the glory to Your Name

It’s been an insane busy/challenging month. I can’t believe it’s almost May. That so much has happened in the last 10 months of me being here. That this time last year I was getting ready to come here, and now I know what day I’m booking my flight home. It’s out of control! There’s so much God’s done and shown and I know he still has a heap to do. It’s been a challenge and been a road I never thought was gonna look the way it has, but God’s known from the beginning of time! How cool? :) I love him! Even in the midst of feeling like just a face or just a being, He knows what he’s destined me to do, What he’s purposed my life for. In the midst of not getting the hours I need at work to pay bills, he’s gonna provide, because that’s His character! He doesn’t leave His children stranded anywhere. We’re never alone and never without a way, even if we can’t see it or feel it, He’s there and has gone before.

I can’t wait to be back home with you guys, for however long it may be!! Love you all so much and am praying for you constantly!! I’ll update soon!! After the next 2 weeks, because on Friday, Max’s mom and best friend get here for 2 weeks!! AGHHH!!! :) can’t wait to have a piece of home here, Max and I could not be more excited to have them here and to be able to get out of the city with them!

I love you guys and miss you!! Thanks for all of your prayers and financial support you guys give me!

Side note, if you do want to help support me in the last 2 months that I’m here, I have the “Donate” button on my blog page, up at the top!

Love and miss you guys SO much!! Praying for you!! I’ll talk to you soon, but more importantly, I’ll be seeing you soon! :)


Friday, April 8, 2011


So, first things first! I don’t care who you are or where you’re from, I want you to take moment to pray for my friend Beau Slocumb who is 26 years old, and to put it as politely as I can, is battling cancer right now and it doesn’t look like he’s winning! BUT in JESUS name, he stands victorious! Its been a roller coaster medically and emotionally for him and his family! Many of you know who he is, but some of you don’t and to be honest, know him or not you need to be praying! It’s time for us to see a miracle and I’m believing God for one, I’d love to know you’re partnering with me in that belief! One thing my principal says often during Chapel when we pray is “lets petition heaven” and I’m asking you guys to do that with me! Lets bombard heaven with an expectant faith!! You guys are amazing and I believe because of YOU, we’re gonna see Beau be HEALED, in Jesus name!!

Now that that’s taken care of, how are you guys?? I miss you all more than you could know, but can’t deny that this place and these people have become family and home away from my family and home!! I could not be more blessed, not that that’s the song I’ve been singing the whole time, but what they say a lot here, and God’s made it more than just a saying in my life is “It’s all about perspective.” God’s been teaching me so much in this area lately! For a while there I couldn’t see the light in what God was doing… until I finally came to the realization that my attitude and perspective doesn’t change my circumstances of the people in my life, but it does change how I let them effect me. God is GOOD!!!!! A truth he’s been sure to have me learn about Him this year. I LOVE HIM!!!!!

What’s gone on??? Let me think for a minute… the new Hillsong United album is out, titled “Aftermath” it is incredible! If you haven’t already gotten your hands on it, I recommend you do so. It has a newness and freshness about it, and as usual, the anointing of God on it. I can’t WAIT for the Hillsong Live album to come out for you guys!! I still can’t get over the leadership I’m under!! I seriously sit under some of the greatest most inventive worship songwriters in the world… only God could bring me here! I love it!! You think after 9 months it would wear off however I think it’s actually taken me this long to understand and appreciate the leadership I am actually under. Seriously, little me, from Macon, GA in Sydney, studying under some of the greatest leaders of our generations… ONLY GOD!!!!! :)

So… apart from constantly having a revelation of where I am and how I can’t be anywhere but in the grace of God because I’m here… we had Colour Conference which is the women’s conference they have each year. We meet as “Sisterhood” every Thursday, and then gather conference style every March. I served in Kids which was AWESOME, except for the fact I lost my voice the very first night of the conference and had 2 full days to go. I serve in kids on the weekends and absolutely love it, and wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else for conference!! :) I actually was blessed with the privilege of getting to watch and take care of Sam, Stephen and Joy, who are Craig and Amy Groeschel’s youngest three children. Craig Groeschel was one of the key speakers for the conference and Hillsong wanted his whole family (of 8) to come, and provided them with chauffeurs and nannies. It was an honour to be asked and I was so blessed by the family. How cool is it that my first trip to the zoo since being here was with the whole Groeschel family…ONLY GOD!! It was so much fun! For those of you who don’t know who Craig Groeschel is (I didn’t until I met him), He pastors Life Church in Oklahoma! He’s an incredible speaker and man of God, and His wife is absolutely PRECIOUS, along with their six children! So for conference I was half with just the Groeschel’s and then with all the other women’s children. I do have to say… one of my favourite moments was listening to all the children years kindergarten to 5th grade proclaim in worship “The same power that conquered the grave lives in me, Your love that rescued the earth lives in me.” Talk about a sobering moment… how often do I walk my daily life without that revelation?? His SPIRIT lives IN ME!!! He’s with me… all the time… the SAME spirit that was with Jesus on the day he raised from the dead, is with me today!! WOW!!! Challenges God gives you from those younger than you… Yeah… it was WAY cool! I love how God does that… you’re serving or giving of your time/money/energy/knowledge… and he blesses you when you least expect it and challenges you in a way you WANT to be challenged… it’s a challenge… but living my life with the revelation that His Spirit, that same power on that day 2000 years ago is with me still… They’re more than just words but a reality in how I should work life out daily. He’s equipped me for all the challenges and circumstances he’s placed me in, because that same conquering power is inside of me… he’s already risen above it, in me!!! (THE SAME POWER IS IN BEAU!!!) HOW COOL?!?!? AGH… I just LOVE Him!!

So… yeah!!! School is back to normal, for the past week now and I can’t believe my time is almost up and the peace I have about that… but I plan on utilizing the time I do still have, and not checking out mentally prior to July 10th! There’s so much vision and passion God’s been stirring up and placing inside of me and Max… it’s unreal! And We are SO blessed to be here!! What God’s doing in us individually and together is not something we could have fathomed in deciding for him to stay, and we know it wouldn’t have been the same elsewhere! I can’t WAIT to see what’s in store!! We’re surrounded by some of the greatest people in the world and couldn’t have asked to be someplace better! To clear up any questions though, we ARE coming home in July! :) We hope to be back someday, and don’t necessarily feel like our time here is done, but there has been clear direction that says for now it is. We’ll see what God does!! I have no idea… Its going to be so hard to leave this place and these people, but what God’s been doing in all of us as a group and individually and sharing in that, not even seas or continents can separate us!!

I love you all so much, and have no idea how much I appreciate you guys and can’t wait to be back home with you all, but if you’re worried about me being too ready, don’t be!! I’m ready to hit the ground and run with whatever it is God says for me to do, but I’m not ready to leave this place and these people that I’ll never be in the same place with all at the same time again! I’m learning to anticipate the future, but not loose sight of the present! It’s a good lesson to learn now I’d say! :)

I’ll be in touch SOON!! Love you all so much and praying for God’s presence and blessing in church as Easter comes up! I’ll tell you guys about that here in a bit! It’s already been so cool preparing for it! BUT, I’ll save that for next time! :)

Michelle :)

P.S. I dyed my hair… it’s dark brown/auburn! No more blonde… for those of you who were curious! Don’t have a good picture of it yet but as soon as I do, I’ll get it up for you guys! :)