Here’s what’s going on…… I’M IN AUSTRALIA!!!!!! Seriously?? I’m studying at Hillsong… in Australia… I’m HERE!!!!!!! Ugh… I think it finally hit me for REAL last night… it’s so strange. This is my REALITY!!!!!! Not some dream anymore… it’s my life!!! It’s SO CRAZY!!!!!!! We’re getting ready for the new album recording this Sunday night, and we had rehearsal last night, which basically just ended up being a time for the choir to worship to the new songs before everyone else… and I just was with Jesus. Right there… loving on Him, but being loved by Him more. It’s always Him loving me more! There are two songs particular that have resounded with me and where I am right now. One of them is a scripture that God has SO been sharing with me, first in my own quiet time, then from the platform, and then in one of the new songs. Oh my gracious… I just love Him!! He absolutely overwhelms me!! We were in the middle of the song, and I was talking with my friend Lindsey throughout the entire thing because we were both just being consumed with His love, and I just looked at her with tears in my eyes… and felt drenched in love. I’m here… I finally felt like I belonged. It had NOTHING to do with album or because it’s Hillsong, but I was so worn out already, but there was still work to be done… and all I wanted to do was take a quick nap in the chairs and then get back to work. It honestly felt like home, and like family! Like working on all of the vacation bible schools and other events at the church always felt, late nights trying to get stuff done before the date. It sounds weird… I know, that last minute chaos is comforting… but it is! It felt like home, and God totally just loved on me. This is my home now, for the next 8 months at least… this is where I’m suppose to be belonging, and putting in the late nights and feeling like it’s home. I loved it! :) It’s so surreal, that Darlene Zschech was 20 feet in front of me, and I’m part of the team that gets to help her lead worship. HOW CRAZY?!?! :) Joel Houston, Rueben Morgan, Ben Fielding, JD and Jad… ha!! You’ve got to be kidding me. The place I use to you-tube just to get a taste of their worship and see what they do, is now the place I’m calling MY church, my HOME, and I’m apart of making it happen. Not even close to a “big” part, but still!! I get the privilege of being apart of the team that will lead people into worship with these songs all around the world. The same videos I use to watch, I’ll now be in… Our God is a just God. I can’t believe I’m here! :) It’s like a fairytale!!
Anyways… yeah… just needed to share that moment with you all!! :) I hope everyone is have a WONDERFUL first week of November, and had a GREAT Halloween. I can’t believe it’s already November… CRAZY!!!
It’s really weird being here in what I’m use to being fall! Australian’s don’t really celebrate Halloween so there weren’t any Halloween decorations out or candy bags… instead they already have Christmas stuff up, and that’s even weirder, because it’s warming up… I’m going to have a HOT Christmas… WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!! And what makes it worse is I won’t even be with my family… thankfully Max is coming to see me and will be here so I get to spend Christmas with him… In AUSTRALIA!!! Which… is pretty cool for sure! :)
God is so good!!!!!!!! That word, “good” had just resounded with me for the last few weeks and continues to. There’s such a sweetness to it and I love that it’s part of His character. Goodness is not what God has… but who He is!! AGHHHH!!! I love it! :)
Anyways… Just some updates… For those of you who didn’t see my facebook status a few days ago… if you remember me blogging about receiving a random $400 under the door of my flat two weeks ago, God gave me another $340 the same way this Sunday evening!! I now have enough to pay bond and the first two weeks of rent to move out… I’ve been saving the first $400 waiting because I know I would need it for sure at some point, so I now have $740 to go towards the $760 needed in order to be able to move into cheaper accommodation!! :) How cool… haha!! I didn’t even know what to do, humbled doesn’t even begin to describe the place God’s taken me to through all of this. SO GOOD!!!!!! I love Him… just do!! He’s lovely!!
AGHH!!! So… yeah… I’m getting teary eyed again as I’m writing all of this!! Just reflecting on what God does and how it’s so His character!! He is love, and He is blessing!! It’s who He IS!!!!! He is!!! I love it!!
For those of you who are wondering what exactly it is I’m getting from Hillsong, and not just what God’s doing, there is no separation or distinction between the two. Hillsong, is just a church, what’s distinguishing about them from others, is their desire to let God do as He pleases through them. It’s the healthiest church I’ve ever been apart of. I’m under one of the greatest leadership teams in the world, and it’s a lot to swallow especially coming from growing up as a minister’s kid, in multiple churches. It’s just healthy, for the leaders individually, for their families, for the congregation. If I’ve gotten anything from “Hillsong” it would be a healthy image of what to look for and what’s needed for me. But honestly, even that has NOTHING to do with Hillsong, it has to do with their sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to guide them as a fully rounded church. What I’m learning here isn’t what you learn with your typical college course, it’s what I’m learning because God’s in the midst of it and is changing the way I eat the apple and drink the water and put on the garments, there’s this whole other level he’s revealing of himself to me, and of our relationship. It’s BEAUTIFUL!!!! And while I haven’t LOVED every minute of it, there’s this peace that I can barely swallow it’s so overwhelming! I honestly can’t describe what I’m getting from Hillsong, because what I’m getting is from God, and I can’t let Hillsong take the credit for what the Lord has orchestrated and is having His spirit work out in me, while I’m here.
UGH!!!! I just LOVE Jesus, and His Father, and His Spirit that he’s allowed to rest with and in me DAILY!!! He is absolutely overwhelming!! :) There’s this whole new level to Him that’s tangible, and it’s something that I’ve always heard, but never really understood, but I’m starting to!! :)
ALSO… I got a call back from Deon, the manager at E-Spirit, they filled the position, however she spoke with her regional manager and they want me to come in for another interview and see what store they can get me into and trial because she said they definitely want me!! :) God is SOOO GOOD!!!!!! UGH!!! I know that it’ll work out the way it’s suppose to, I’m suppose to hear from them tomorrow, Thursday to schedule me for an interview and trial with the regional manager! :) So please keep that in your prayers and I will keep you updated throughout!
I love and miss you guys so much!! I’m sorry this is so long; it’s just a busy season, and God’s doing so much!! It’s definitely not a “be still and know” season! :) but I’d be ok if it was!! I’d love to hear from all of you at some point!! I’m sorry if the longer this goes on, the less sense I’m making! I’ve had to write it in intervals because I was babysitting all day, and wrote during the naps, and now finishing it up at home! :)
You all matter so much to me, which is why I want you to be fully aware of all the details as much as you possibly can be!! I’m praying for you all!! Thank you for your prayers!
Michelle :)
333/8 Lachlan St.
Waterloo, NSW 2017